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          Become a permanent part of Bowdon’s heritage as we pave a pathway from our museum to the BAHS Meeting Place.


Purchase a brick in memory or in honor of a loved one, to commemorate a special event or to record a place for your family in Bowdon’s history.


                                                              The Bricks


In 1856 the Bowdon College was founded by Charles A. McDaniel and John M. Richardson as a college for young men of “modest means.”It was the 5th chartered college in the state of Georgia, and a few years later, the first college, to graduate a female.Bowdon College was one of five colleges in the state designated by a legislative act to provide higher education for Confederate veterans.
















It operated as a coed college until 1936. The building then became Bowdon High School. Much to the sadness of many Bowdon residents, the building was demolished in 1961. The bricks from the building were preserved and some of those bricks now line the pathway to the Bowdon Historical Society Museum, creating the Heritage Walk.


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Bowdon Area Historical Society   105 College View St.    Bowdon, GA 30108     Mailing Address:    PO Box 112    Bowdon, GA 30108    Email:

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